Tuesday, October 12, 2010

BodyBack Day 3

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, but I was literally physically and mentally exhausted. With Sunday’s run, BodyBack yesterday and then Stroller Strides right after, I was pretty much a walking zombie. BodyBack was intense, we did our first traveling class, we started running right away and then would stop every once in a while to do workouts with the resistance bands. It was tough; I realized once again that I am a ridiculously SLOW runner. Kelly told us at the end of class that we ran 2.8 miles all together!

After Sunday’s run I felt amazing, I had accomplished so much, granted my time was nothing to be proud of, but I didn’t stop I ran the whole flippen thing without stopping, it was a huge accomplishment for me. But yesterday morning when we started our traveling class I fell behind right away, I by far was the slowest of them all. I tried, really tried to hustle up and no matter what I did I just couldn’t catch up.

So I started getting down on myself but it did not last very long, when we were nearing the end of class and we were running to the last area to work out I started getting all flustered and short of breath and even shed a tear or maybe two, but I snapped out of it really quick. I am noticing that my “feel sorry for myself” moments do not last very long these days. Instead, I suck it up and keep on going because I might be slow at running compared to everyone else, but I am a hell of a lot faster than I was a few months ago when I did not think there was anyway I could run three miles.

So with all that nonsense being said, I am pretty much telling you all that I may not be the best at things, but I am doing the best I can and not letting my emotions get the best of me and I am very proud of myself for that. I have the ability to suck it up these days and keep on moving and that is an awesome thing to be able to do!

Ohh and btw I am changing my weigh in day to Monday and yesterday when we weighted in I lost 1.2 lbs. I know it isn’t very much, but it is consistent and I am really happy about it!

1 comment:

  1. You should be proud - and you cannot compare your self to any of the other Mamas in Body Back and YOU ARE doing an amazing job! I am happy to hear that your "down on yourself" moments are short lived, we all have them from time to time - I suppose that is in part where we can find motivation to do and be better! I'm in your corner. I think you are doing an amazing job and I COULD NOT do what you ar doing!

    Way To Go Jessica!
    Keep up the good work! Be proud of yourself and as always... "be proud of what you've got!" {lol}
