Monday, September 27, 2010


Blog, bloggy, bloggy blog! I have been jealous of all my talented mommy friends and their very interesting mommy blogs. So I have thought long and hard, well not really very long and not so hard, but have made the decision to blog, again. So instead of making a commitment to blogging for a year or starting a family blog, I am going to just commit to blogging for the next 9 weeks so that all you curious people can see what BodyBack is all about, and so that I can accomplish creating and keeping up with a blog.

What is BodyBack? Well, I am not too sure because it hasn't started yet, but from what I have been told, it is an 8 week program in which we meet 2 times a week at 5:30 AM, yes that is AM! No babies allowed! (I will talk about this later.....) It is basically an intense mommy boot camp in which we are supposed to see extreme results! Hence, mama getting her body back. But to be completely honest with all of you, I have already gotten my pre-baby body back, and I am not to content with this body. I am not content with not being able to run (jog in my case) more than 2 miles. I am not content, not being able to keep up with my husband, who by the way is one of my biggest motivations for wanting to get fit, (he's a pretty awesome guy). I want to be better, I want to get stronger and leaner, I want to be better than I have ever been, so I can set a good strong example for my daughter, Kaelyn.

So, over the next 9 weeks, I hope I can improve in many different aspects of my life and entertain those of you who do happen to follow this blog. Today marks exactly ONE week from the day I start BodyBack.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea Jessica! I'm so proud of you! You are doing amazing on this journey! I can't wait to take body back with you!
