Monday, September 27, 2010

No Babies Allowed!

Ok, as I said earlier, I would come back to this subject. The fact that Kaelyn is not allowed kind of scares me. Wait, just wait, I am not one of those moms who has to have my kid with me every where I go because all I am is a mom, I work part-time and honestly enjoy that time to socialize with my friends ohh wait, "co-workers". :)

I am scared because Kaelyn is part of the new me, the motivated me, the me who strives to be better all the time. All I know of this new me is that I go running with my girl, I go to Stroller Strides with my girl, anything that has to do with fitness involves me pushing her in a stroller or her in her stroller watching me work out. I look at her face and the smile motivates me to be better, I look through the clear window on top of my BOB when I am running to see the top of her head, because she is the reason I run. When I run, I think about the fact that I felt almost 7 hours of labor before I opted to get the epidural and if I can do that, I can handle running another mile.

So on Monday, when it is just me, on my way to BodyBack, I have to motivate myself, I have to remember, this is for me. That even though I am doing this to set a good example for my daughter, I am also doing this to be a healthy wife for my husband, a healthy me so that I can enjoy life for myself.

1 comment:

  1. All you stay at home mommies, I hope you don't think I am ragging on you, because 1. You have the hardest jobs in the world and 2. I am totally jealous :)
